Sodexo pagos sin fricciones para tu tienda online

Integra Sodexo sin costes de inicio y de forma simple. Mejora tus ventas ampliando tus métodos de pago y dale a tus clientes el medio que necesitan para realizar sus compras.

Attract new customers and boost your sales with Sodexo 

The Sodexo card is a prepaid payment method that's highly popular in Belgium. Currently, the card is accepted by close to 40.000 merchants in the Belgian ecommerce sector.  

Why offer Sodexo? 

One of the key advantages of a card like Sodexo is they increase customers' purchasing power. By being able to pay (a part of) their order with the card, their order value increases. Sodexo states that their customers spend 1,8 euro for every euro that is on their card! Lastly, the prepaid cards decrease customers' hesitancy to try a new webshop, and Sodexo offers a straightforward store locator for its customers.  

Overall, if you're active in Belgian ecommerce, Sodexo should be a lock-in for your payment mix.  

Sodexo offers the following passes: 

  • Lunch 
  • Eco  
  • Cadeau 
  • Sport & Culture 




Sodexo features:
  • No chargebacks 
  • No refunds 
  • Second Chance enabled 

Boost your business with Sodexo
For more information, see Sodexo

Customer benefits:

  • Safely try new webshops 
  • Simple checkout process 
  • Access to nice discounts 

Merchant benefits:

  • Gain 24/7 access to your transactions through the Sodexo merchant platform 
  • Boost your turnover and increase customer satisfaction 
  • Increase your findability through the Sodexo store finder 

How Sodexo works

Integra Sodexo payments con MultiSafepay

  • Sin costes de inicio
  • Más de 30 métodos de pago globales desde un solo contrato
  • Desarrolladores in-house para un buen soporte técnico

Contacto  Acceder

Ofrecemos las siguientes opciones de integración:

Solución alojada

Redirige a tus clientes a nuestra propia solución alojada segura.

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Solución Integrada

Integra los pagos directamente en tu checkout.

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Integración personalizada

Integra directamente a través de nuestra API.

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Integraciones listas para usar

Ofrecemos integraciones preparadas para las herramientas CMS más populares.

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Sodexo is a great way of helping people discover your business. Accept the Sodexo cards and gain access to a large client base in the Belgian ecommerce scene.  

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